Five Common Dental Procedures that Could Impact Your Health

Some of the most common dental procedures that occur during routine dental visits can actually be harmful to your health. Here’s a shortlist of some of the most common dental procedures and materials and how they can impact your whole-body health: Root canal treatments Dental Implants Metal braces Porcelain fused to metal crowns Mercury dental […]

Are 6-Month Dental Cleanings Necessary?

After being in lockdown, masked, and in virtual isolation for almost two years, everyone wants to socialize again and most importantly smile, mask-free! Most people follow the standard recommendation of visiting the dentist twice a year to find out if they have any cavities and to get their teeth cleaned. While you may ask yourself […]

Arthritis, Asthma, and Dental Mercury

Most people think of asthma and arthritis as two very separate diseases…with the only thing they have in common is they both start with the letter “A”. However, they both actually share a mutual link, to exposure to mercury dental amalgam. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a subdivision of the National […]

Is there a link between poor oral health and cancer?

Not so long ago, when a patient heard the word “cancer”, they immediately thought it would be an inevitable death sentence for them. Fortunately, there has been a tremendous amount of research that has been done in the past 20 years, that is exposing potential causes of cancer such as environmental factors, lifestyle, and most […]

Was Dr. Hal Huggins Right – Is it Really All in Our Head?

Have you ever woken up and felt something wasn’t right? After going through your day, you still feel something is off…You decide that perhaps a visit to the doctor will give you the answer, but the first doctor tells you, nothing is wrong. You quietly leave the office and tell yourself, “maybe I will feel […]

How Often Should You Get Tested for Dental Biocompatibility?

Biocompatibility testing is an indirect measurement of the reaction between serum proteins and the composition of various dental restorative materials. Dental restorative materials, just like prescription drugs, can have certain side effects or adverse reactions. Some of these reactions are of medical significance, and some are not. One of the objectives of this report is […]

Biocompatibility – The New Buzzword in Dentistry

Everyone is talking about “biocompatibility” not just in medicine, but especially in dentistry. What exactly does biocompatible mean? Basically, biocompatible materials are materials that should not harm the patient. You may ask, “Aren’t the materials used in dentistry biocompatible”? The answer is complicated, there are literally thousands of dental materials in the marketplace with more […]

Are your mercury dental fillings really gone?

If you ask the general public, “Are mercury fillings are still used?” Most likely you will get a resounding, “No, dentists stopped using them years ago!” Unfortunately, that is simply not true. In fact, a recently published paper using the largest US population study database, called the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), has […]

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